What Do I Need to Know About CBD Tinctures?

Adding CBD oil to your wellness routine can provide a boost to your self-care regimen in several ways. One of the most compelling aspects of CBD products is that they can be adapted to meet unique and personal wellness goals. This means you can use CBD oil products through a variety of all-natural ingestion choices, potencies, and schedules, truly personalizing self-care solutions.

What Do I Need to Know About CBD Tinctures?

How Are CBD Tinctures Different From Other Popular CBD Oil Products?

With CBD oil products gaining widespread popularity in wellness circles, most people have heard of the easy to ingest options we provide, including CBD oil, CBD capsules, CBD gummies, and CBD chocolates.  

Each of these products is self-explanatory, and allow users to adopt a wellness regimen that fits their unique needs. CBD Tinctures, while containing all the rich benefits of the hemp plant, tend to cause a small amount of confusion for consumers, simply because they are technically different from CBD oil.

Here are a few tips that will clear the air about CBD Tincture processes and uses.

CBD Tinctures & CBD Oil Are Different CBD Products

The processes for cultivating CBD tinctures and CBD oil are virtually the same. The primary distinction is in how each product’s nutrients are extracted from the cannabis plant.

The differences can include:

- CBD oil plant extracts are infused in a carrier oil, which can include hemp seed, olive or coconut oils

- CBD tinctures are made by using a mixture of alcohol and water to extract compounds from the plant, which are later blended with carrier oils or terpenes to maximize their potency

Since CBD tinctures are concentrated, it is recommended to begin their use in smaller doses, as all CBD products affect users differently.

It is easy to adjust CBD tincture use, as they typically come in drop-application packaging that makes it easy to administer and control.

The Importance of CBD Tincture Product Transparency

When seeking a CBD Tincture solution for your wellness needs, always require a Certificate of Analysis with your purchase, so you know exactly what you are getting from its integration into your self-care routine.  

At Hempressa, we believe everyone should know their tincture's level overall purity, which is why we list our Certificates of Analysis (COA) directly on our website — so there is no confusion regarding our products’ purity levels.

CBD Tincture Purity Is Important & Priced Accordingly

CBD Tinctures may appear expensive compared to other CBD oil products, but they are priced according to their purity and wellness benefits. High-quality CBD tinctures are accompanied by their COA to ensure their effectiveness when used orally by placing a drop under the tongue, or when added to a vaping cartridge.

Do not allow a cheaper priced product masquerading as a CBD tincture to sway your purchasing decision.

No matter how you prefer your CBD oil products, we join in your commitment to wellness by providing all-natural, preservative, and additive-free products. Shop our full range of CBD products today, or sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on our expanding line of wellness essentials. 

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